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Why UP?

We are focused on revenue, safety and quick approach to money. We have developed reliable trading system on financial markets in the form of client portfolio management. Our system is based on sophisticated mathematical-algorithmic models. In doing so, we use a wide range of financial instruments, focusing mainly on trading currency pairs. The changing world requires new solutions, which is why we work with money differently, in a modern way and always focused on the client. All that with proven 10-year investment experience.


Safety of investing is our top priority. All deposits of our clients are secured against loss based on selected investment strategy.

Customized products

We have prepared a wide range of products that include investment solutions for all your life situations, whether you want to let the money grow or use it.


Your finances are not fixed in long-term deals, so you can make withdrawals at any time according to your needs. You can also adjust your agreed deposits according to your options. Deposits and withdrawals of your money are fully in your hands with us.


We reduce the impact of fluctuations in the financial markets on your money and bring stability to your investments with a large number of small deals spread across multiple financial instruments.

On-line contract

Concluding a contract takes just a few minutes of your time within the comfort of work or home. By concluding contract online, you will receive a 50% discount on the entry fee.

In case you prefer personal meeting.

Real fees

We do not charge any hidden fees to clients. We charge only the entry and trading fee for realized transactions.
We don't charge you when your money isn't working.


Safety of investing is our top priority. All deposits of our clients are secured against loss based on selected investment strategy.

Customized products

We have prepared a wide range of products that include investment solutions for all your life situations, whether you want to let the money grow or use it.


Your finances are not fixed in long-term deals, so you can make withdrawals at any time according to your needs. You can also adjust your agreed deposits according to your options. Deposits and withdrawals of your money are fully in your hands with us.


We reduce the impact of fluctuations in the financial markets on your money and bring stability to your investments with a large number of small deals spread across multiple financial instruments.

On-line contract

Concluding a contract takes just a few minutes of your time within the comfort of work or home. By concluding contract online, you will receive a 50% discount on the entry fee.

In case you prefer personal meeting.

Real fees

We do not charge any hidden fees to clients. We charge only the entry and trading fee for realized transactions.
We don't charge you when your money isn't working.


Investment strategies

In developing investment strategies, we cooperate with a team of mathematicians working at prestigious universities and participating in research activities in mathematics. Automating these strategies leads to increased efficiency and reduced risk and eliminates erroneous stress decisions. We are constantly monitoring and adjusting strategies to reflect market changes. We are committed to the security of our clients' deposits. The level of deposit protection depends on chosen investment strategy. By combining three-stage protection and portfolio diversification, we provide our clients with exclusively secured products with no fixation.

UP 80


Conservative strategy with 80% guaranteed principal

The strategy intended for conservative investors who prefer to maximize security and will settle for lower appreciation on the amount invested. The guaranteed amount below which the investment will not fall is 80% of the client's investment deposits.

Current performance 5,89 %

UP 70


Balanced strategy with a guaranteed principal of 70%

Strategy designed for people looking for a balance between the security and the appreciation of the amount invested. The guaranteed amount below which the investment will not fall is 70% of the client's investment deposits.

Current performance 6,28 %

UP 60


Dynamic strategy with guaranteed principal of 60%

Strategy designed for clients preferring high appreciation of the invested amount accepting a higher degree of risk. The guaranteed amount below which the investment will not fall is 60% of the client's investment deposits.

Current performance 7,48 %

current performance expresses the net rate of appreciation for the relevant investment strategy since the inception of U.P. o.c.p., a.s. on an annual basis after deduction of trade fees. Expected or past income is not a guarantee of future income.

Customized products

Wide range of products fully adjustable according to your needs.









Universal product with highest rate of appreciation

Dynamik is a universal product that offers the highest rate of investment appreciation in the long term. It is ideal for systematical building of clients assets to secure their future life needs. Dynamik enables regular or one-off investments using profit reinvesting in the form of compound interest.

Long-term investing
Compound interest
Highest revenues
Regularly / One-off
One-off investment
1000 €
Monthly deposit
30 €
Strategy UP 60

14 000 €

Strategy UP 70
Stratégia UP Invest

340 060 €

Strategy UP 80

290 700 €

Total deposit

1 250 700 €

Strategy UP 60

14 000 €

Strategy UP 70
Stratégia UP Invest

340 060 €

Strategy UP 80

290 700 €

Total deposit

1 250 700 €


Warning: expected or past revenue is not a guarantee of future revenue. Expected performance is net performance after deduction of fees.

Pre bližšie informácie o produkte UP Kombi nás prosím kontaktujte telefonicky, e-mailom, alebo prostredníctvom kontaktného formulára.


Product with annual revenue payment

Dividend is a product intended for clients interested in regular payment of their annual revenues for the previous calendar year. The revenue is paid annually in the amount of appreciation of the invested funds as form of the client's passive income. Product Dividend uses a higher rate of appreciation due to compound interest during the calendar year.

Long-term investing
Annual revenues
Passive income
One-off investing
One-off investment
1000 €
Strategy UP 60

14 000 €

Strategy UP 70
Stratégia UP Invest

340 060 €

Strategy UP 80

290 700 €

Total deposit

1 250 700 €

Strategy UP 60

14 000 €

Strategy UP 70
Stratégia UP Invest

340 060 €

Strategy UP 80

290 700 €

Total deposit

1 250 700 €


Warning: expected or past revenue is not a guarantee of future revenue. Expected performance is net performance after deduction of fees.

Pre bližšie informácie o produkte UP Kombi nás prosím kontaktujte telefonicky, e-mailom, alebo prostredníctvom kontaktného formulára.


Product with regular monthly payment of annuity

Renta is product intended for clients who want to ensure a regular monthly income. The product assumes a one-time initial investment of at least 10,000 euros. The recommended amount of the annuity received is designed with regard to maintaining the value of the client's initial investment. The amount of annuity can be chosen by the client based on his own options and needs.

Monthly annuity
Passive income
Selectable annuity
One-off investing
One-off investment
1000 €
Required annuity
30 €
Strategy UP 60

14 000 €

Strategy UP 70
Stratégia UP Invest

340 060 €

Strategy UP 80

290 700 €

Paid annuity

1 250 700 €

Strategy UP 60

14 000 €

Strategy UP 70
Stratégia UP Invest

340 060 €

Strategy UP 80

290 700 €

Paid annuity

1 250 700 €


Warning: expected or past revenue is not a guarantee of future revenue. Expected performance is net performance after deduction of fees.

Pre bližšie informácie o produkte UP Kombi nás prosím kontaktujte telefonicky, e-mailom, alebo prostredníctvom kontaktného formulára.


Investing for the benefit of child to secure future needs

Upík is a product designed to invest in the benefit of child to ensure his or her future needs for study, housing or starting capital in life. The product is contracted by the child's legal representative. The right to dispose of the investment account passes to the child upon the age of majority. In the long term, Upík offers the highest rate of return of invested funds using profits reinvesting.

Long-term investing
Compound interest
For the benefit of child
Regularly / One-off
One-off investment
1000 €
Monthly deposit
30 €
Strategy UP 60

14 000 €

Strategy UP 70
Stratégia UP Invest

340 060 €

Strategy UP 80

290 700 €

Total deposit

1 250 700 €

Strategy UP 60

14 000 €

Strategy UP 70
Stratégia UP Invest

340 060 €

Strategy UP 80

290 700 €

Total deposit

1 250 700 €


Warning: expected or past revenue is not a guarantee of future revenue. Expected performance is net performance after deduction of fees.

Pre bližšie informácie o produkte UP Kombi nás prosím kontaktujte telefonicky, e-mailom, alebo prostredníctvom kontaktného formulára.


Product suitable for short-term investments

Flexi is the most liquid product suitable for both natural and legal persons. In terms of fee structure, it is suitable for short-term appreciation of funds. The main advantage is its operability and quick access to cash. This is a completely new approach to the efficient valorisation of available funds.

Short-term investing
Natural persons
Legal persons
Compound interest
One-off investment
1000 €
Strategy UP 60

14 000 €

Strategy UP 70
Stratégia UP Invest

340 060 €

Strategy UP 80

290 700 €

Total investment

1 250 700 €

Strategy UP 60

14 000 €

Strategy UP 70
Stratégia UP Invest

340 060 €

Strategy UP 80

290 700 €

Total investment

1 250 700 €


Warning: expected or past revenue is not a guarantee of future revenue. Expected performance is net performance after deduction of fees.

Pre bližšie informácie o produkte UP Kombi nás prosím kontaktujte telefonicky, e-mailom, alebo prostredníctvom kontaktného formulára.


Produkt Kombi je určený pre klientov, ktorí vlastnia cenné papiere a majú záujem o ich aktívne zhodnocovanie a správu bez zbytočných poplatkov.

Produkt Kombi je určený pre klientov, ktorí vlastnia cenné papiere a majú záujem o ich aktívne zhodnocovanie. Kombi predstavuje investovanie a aktívnu správu finančných prostriedkov a cenných papierov. Vkladom cenných papierov a finančných prostriedkov do kombinovaného portfólia klient získava úschovu a správu cenných papierov bez zbytočných poplatkov na jednom mieste. Aktívne riadenie kombinovaného portfólia prináša klientom zhodnocovanie aktív s nadštandardným výnosom.

Kombinované portfólio
Dlhodobé investovanie
Zhodnocovanie aktív
Nadštandardný výnos
One-off investment
1000 €
Strategy UP 60

14 000 €

Strategy UP 70
Stratégia UP Invest

340 060 €

Strategy UP 80

290 700 €

Total deposit

1 250 700 €

Strategy UP 60

14 000 €

Strategy UP 70
Stratégia UP Invest

340 060 €

Strategy UP 80

290 700 €

Total deposit

1 250 700 €

UP K50


Kombinovaná stratégia pre neprofesionálnych klientov

Investičná stratégia UP K 50 je určená pre klientov, ktorí majú záujem vložiť finančné prostriedky a cenné papiere do kombinovaného portfólia. Minimálny vklad pri investičnej stratégií UP K 50 je 100 000 EUR, pričom minimálne 50 000 EUR musí klient vložiť v peňažných prostriedkoch.

UP K20


Kombinovaná stratégia pre profesionálnych klientov

Investičná stratégia UP K 20 je určená pre profesionálnych klientov, ktorí majú záujem vložiť finančné prostriedky a cenné papiere do kombinovaného portfólia. Minimálny vklad pri investičnej stratégií UP K 20 je 500 000 EUR, pričom minimálne 100 000 EUR musí klient vložiť v peňažných prostriedkoch.

Warning: expected or past revenue is not a guarantee of future revenue. Expected performance is net performance after deduction of fees.

Pre bližšie informácie o produkte UP Kombi nás prosím kontaktujte telefonicky, e-mailom, alebo prostredníctvom kontaktného formulára.


Daňovo optimalizovaný produkt s najvyššou mierou zhodnotenia

Invest je daňovo optimalizovaný produkt, ktorý ponúka z dlhodobého hľadiska najvyššiu mieru zhodnocovania investovaných prostriedkov. Je ideálny na systematické budovanie majetku klienta pre zabezpečenie svojich budúcich životných potrieb. Produkt Invest umožňuje pravidelné alebo jednorazové investície, pričom využíva reinvestovanie ziskov formou zloženého úročenia.

Dlhodobé investovanie
Zložené úročenie
Daňová optimalizácia
Pravidelne / jednorazovo
One-off investment
1000 €
Mesačný vklad
30 €
Strategy UP 60

14 000 €

Strategy UP 70
Stratégia UP Invest

340 060 €

Strategy UP 80

290 700 €

Total deposit

1 250 700 €

Strategy UP 60

14 000 €

Strategy UP 70
Stratégia UP Invest

340 060 €

Strategy UP 80

290 700 €

Total deposit

1 250 700 €


Warning: expected or past revenue is not a guarantee of future revenue. Expected performance is net performance after deduction of fees.

Pre bližšie informácie o produkte UP Kombi nás prosím kontaktujte telefonicky, e-mailom, alebo prostredníctvom kontaktného formulára.

mobile app UP

Sample account

Control your transactions using simple application

We have developed an application that will allow you to monitor your transactions and movements in your investment account.
At the same time you have at your disposal the historical development of your investments, realized deposits and withdrawals as well documents.
You can simply realize withdrawals from your investment account using our application.

mobile app UP

Sample account

Who is UP team

We are a dynamic, professional team consisting of experts especially in mathematics and technology with years of experience in the financial markets. We work closely with leading European universities to further develop our systems and strategies.

Chart of appreciation of a one-time investment of € 10,000 according to individual investment strategies traded by U.P. o.c.p., a.s.
Chart of appreciation of a one-time investment of € 10,000 according to individual investment strategies traded by U.P. o.c.p., a.s.
mobile app UP
Aktuálna výkonnosť
UP 60: 6,4% p.a.*
UP 70: 6,27% p.a.*
UP 80: 5,66% p.a.*

*aktuálna výkonnosť vyjadruje čistú mieru zhodnotenia pre príslušnú investičnú stratégiu od začiatku obchodovania U.P. o.c.p., a.s. na ročnej báze po odpočítaní obchodných poplatkov

Warning: Past performance is no guarantee of future performance. The performance data shown is net performance data after deducting business fees.


Beginning of software development

First versions of automated trading. We connected traders, mathematics, programmers.


Official entry in financial sector

Advisory and consulting activity focused on process optimization, procedures and strategies through mathematical analysis.


Team expansion

Team expansion by more traders, mathematicians and programmers. Partner of international trading congresses.


Top brokers in EU

Expansion of portfolio by cooperating brokers (Saxo Bank, LMAX, SwissQuote).


Information system UP.IS

Preparation of information system UP.IS for clients portfolio management and trading o.c.p.. Development of structure and preparation of documents for registration of o.c.p.


Registration of U.P. o.c.p., a.s.

Realization of offer of commercial products UP and registration of U.P. o.c.p., a.s.

Board of directors
Ramón Beňo

Ramón Beňo

Board of directors chairman

Ľubomír Bukový

Ľubomír Bukový

Member of the Board

Supervisory board
Branko Vrba

Branko Vrba

Supervisory board member

Ľubomír Molnár

Ľubomír Molnár

Supervisory board member

Jozef Maršala

Jozef Maršala

Supervisory board member

Matej Kostúr

Matej Kostúr

Head of Backoffice

Martina Nerádová

Martina Nerádová

Head of Compliance

Michaela Toman

Michaela Toman

Head of Front office

Matej Ženiš

Matej Ženiš

Head of Dealing


Video instructions for setting up an investment account

Want to see how to open an investment account easily and online? Watch a short video.

Satisfied clients, satisfied investments!

Read why our satisfied clients value their assets with us


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